Digital Transformation Specialist - Angular and TypeScript Frontend Developer


Company Overview:

- Eviden is a business within the Atos Group, with an impressive annual revenue of approximately €5 billion.

- It is described as a global leader in data-driven, trusted, and sustainable digital transformation.

- Eviden is positioned as a next-generation digital business with significant expertise in digital technologies such as cloud, data, advanced computing, and security.

- The company operates in more than 47 countries and boasts a workforce of 55,000 talents worldwide.

Roles and Responsibilities:

1. Working Knowledge of Typescript Syntax and Related Concepts:

   - This includes familiarity with TypeScript syntax, type system, data structures, and asynchronous programming.

2. Proficiency in HTML and CSS (SCSS):

   - Candidates are expected to have working knowledge and experience with HTML and CSS, including SCSS (a superset of CSS).

3. Expertise in Angular Framework:

   - Candidates should have a solid understanding and hands-on experience with Angular framework and its various tools. This includes:

     - Dependency injection

     - Reactive programming using RxJS

     - Templating

     - Component lifecycles

     - Working with external APIs via HTTP calls

4. Working Knowledge of GIT:

   - Experience with version control systems, particularly GIT, is required.

5. Experience with Unit Testing:

   - Candidates should have experience in writing and implementing unit tests for their code.

6. Problem-Solving Skills:

   - The ability to independently solve problems is highly valued.

7. Writing Maintainable and Readable Code:

   - Candidates are expected to produce code that is not only functional but also maintainable and easy to understand by others.

Required Skills and Expertise:

- Reiteration of the hands-on experience and proficiency required in HTML, CSS (SCSS), and the Angular framework with its associated tools.

Closing Statement:

- The job post ends with an encouraging phrase, "Let’s grow together," suggesting that the company values collaborative growth and development.

Overall, the job post seeks candidates with a strong technical background in web development, specifically with proficiency in TypeScript, Angular, HTML, CSS (including SCSS), GIT, and unit testing. Additionally, problem-solving abilities, code quality, and collaboration are highlighted as important attributes for potential candidates.

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