Digital Hospitality Advocate: Full-Stack Web Developer


Company Overview:

Cantilever is described as a web design and development studio with a focus on "Digital Hospitality." They emphasize a sense of community among their remote team members, who are located across five continents.

Job Description:

The job entails working as a full-stack web developer on various technologies and challenges. Cantilever values qualities such as passion for development, care for people, good communication skills (especially since it's a fully remote company), trustworthiness, and dependability.


The mission of the developer is to assist Cantilever clients in fulfilling their objectives by creating digital technology that meets user needs.

Key Competencies:

- Frontend Development: Mastery of HTML/CSS/JS with experience in frameworks like React.js.

- Backend Development: Ability to develop new features within MVC frameworks and common CMSes.

- Debugging and Optimization: Proven ability to diagnose and address bugs and performance issues.

- Design Fidelity: Skill in delivering visual fidelity to design mocks.

- Web Accessibility: Strong understanding and advocacy for web accessibility principles.

- Build Process: Ability to create seamless and robust build processes.


The developer is expected to deliver code that solves client problems, complete work within agreed-upon deadlines and estimates, avoid critical bugs in production, and consistently provide high-quality work.

Key Responsibilities:

Responsibilities include developing and maintaining accessible and performant front-end and back-end architectures, improving and optimizing client websites, managing project priorities and deadlines, collaborating in a remote team setting, ensuring website accessibility and SEO optimizations, upholding code integrity, and troubleshooting and resolving bugs and performance issues.


The salary for this mid-level role ranges between $67,000 and $100,000 per year, depending on skills and experience. The salary is quoted in USD and applies to a US-based employee. Cantilever offers full-time benefits and pays equally regardless of location, with different compensation structures based on taxation for different countries.

How to Apply:

Interested candidates should send their applications  including at least three samples of recently written code demonstrating problem-solving abilities and a 3-5 minute Loom video discussing the code samples and the candidate's thought process behind them. Applications without these requirements will be immediately rejected. Moonlighting or agency applications are not accepted.

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