VSSC/ISRO Internship Program Opportunities for Science and Technology Students


Internship Guidelines for Applicants at VSSC/ISRO

If you're looking to apply for an internship at VSSC/ISRO, here are the important guidelines you need to know:

  1. Eligibility:

    • You must be an Indian citizen.
    • Only students pursuing or having completed courses in Science or Technology that are directly related to ISRO's programs will be considered for this internship.
  2. Selection Process:

    • The number of students selected depends on the available resources at VSSC. They have the right to accept or reject any application.
    • Due to a high number of applications, not everyone can be accommodated. It’s a good idea to apply to other organizations as well, in case your application isn’t selected.
  3. Internship Limit:

    • You can only do one internship for each degree you’re pursuing.
  4. Internship Areas:

    • Internships are restricted to “Unclassified Areas” at VSSC/ISRO, meaning only specific areas are open for student interns.
  5. Academic Requirements:

    • You need a minimum of 60% marks or a CGPA of 6.32 (on a scale of 10) to apply.
  6. Who Can Apply:

    • You must be a regular student at a recognized university, whether in India or abroad.
    • Students who have completed their courses on or after February 15, 2024 (for internships from November 1, 2024, to January 31, 2025) are also eligible.
  7. Eligible Courses:

    • Students from a wide range of courses can apply, including B.Tech, BE, BSc, BS-MS, Integrated MSc, Integrated MTech, M.Tech, ME, MSc (in fields such as Aeronautical Engineering, Computer Science, Chemistry, Physics, and more). PhD students who have completed their coursework can also apply.
  8. Internship Duration:

    • The internship lasts a minimum of 21 days and a maximum of 45 days.
  9. No Stipend:

    • VSSC/ISRO will not offer any stipend, financial assistance, or remuneration during the internship period.
  10. Additional Information:

  • You can upload supporting documents like mark sheets, project details, skills, and work experience in a single PDF file (maximum size 1 MB).
  1. Selection Notification:
  • If you're selected, you’ll be notified by email.

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